Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have really thin hair and the cause was I had a eating disorder...what can I do?

I'm 23 years old and I have really thin hair...I know why also but it doesn't seem to change. I use to be anorexic about 5 years ago and all my hair feel out in that process...I went to the doctors and he said that because of my disorder it's very hard to have the hair grow back but it will within time. It's been 5 years and I still don't see a change at all, and I feel really uncomfortable because it's so thin that it looks like I'm balding...I'm eating healthy now for a long time and have been taking vitamins like B12 and Calcium but still there is no difference. Is there anything else I can take or do to have my hair like it use to be? Please help...serious answers.

I have really thin hair and the cause was I had a eating disorder...what can I do?

Use Main and Tail Shampoo :D I used it when I thought my hair was thinning, it supposedly makes your hair grow longer, and thicker. Which I saw both when I used it. It is a horse shampoo, but it is the the Regular Shampoos at most stores, and even has human use instructions on the back. I recommend it ;). Im being completely serious. I love that stuff. It should help out some.

I have really thin hair and the cause was I had a eating disorder...what can I do?

you are doing all the right things. my hair is exteamly thin also but there is not to much else you can do. It is just how it is for now and hopefully it will grow in. good luck!!.

I have really thin hair and the cause was I had a eating disorder...what can I do?

This is definitely not normal. You need to see an endocrinologist and tell her/him the whole story. Have your thyroid, including TSH and antibodies, checked. If your thyroid is low and your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and/or antibodies are high, that can cause thinning hair, excessively dry skin, and low energy. Also other hormone problems can cause hair to fall out. It is not normal to have hair problems this long afterward. I had anorexia (involuntary, due to food allergy problems with vomiting and diarrhea) to the point of my skin turning yellow. I have been well for about a year now, and my skin and hair look good.

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