Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Relaxer on thin hair?

My mom used a relaxer and she has really really thin hair, and now she has a bald spot on the top of her head, and She scared because she thinks that all of her hair may fall out, because she cant feel her head, Do you think that her hair may fall out? PLease help, shes so stressed out because of this

Relaxer on thin hair?

It sounds to me that you mom left the relaxer on way to long. This is a dangerous product to play with at home and should only be done by a professional.

I doubt that you mom's hair fell out it more likely broke off and yes it is a possibility that more will break. There is a big chance tho it will grow back. However if your mom has numbness on her head and it doesn't come back I really recommend that she see a doctor.

Chemical relaxer products should never be put onto the scalp.

Good luck

Relaxer on thin hair?

She should definately not use chemicals on her hair especially becasue it's thin. I hope it grows back but tell your mum that she shoul dbe happy with the thin hair shes got.

Relaxer on thin hair?


her hair is probably falling out because she is stressed hon. pls dont worry. i know it can be hard but hang it there. my mom had cancer when i was 5. trust me i went through a lot.tell your mother not to worry and that everything is going to be alright.pray 4 her. just pls dont worry.

Relaxer on thin hair?

She is so worried that her hair will fall out, that she is actually stressing, and that is what causes her hair to come out.

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