Sunday, July 26, 2009

I have thin hair over my top scalp and I do not know how to prevent from lossing more of my hair. He

It is genetics so accept it. If you cannot, see your doctor about topical minoxidil and/or propecia tablets. These will only control the problem. You may get some hair regrowth, or just slow down the loss rate. This is temporary since as soon as you stop using them, your scalp goes back to its predetermined state.

Surgery can also move well growing hair from other sites to areas of hair loss. It is surgery, and has inherent risks also.

I have thin hair over my top scalp and I do not know how to prevent from lossing more of my hair. Helppp...?

lose it with dignity. shave your hair down real close. not to the skin, just close. actually, this look can be quite sexy.

I have thin hair over my top scalp and I do not know how to prevent from lossing more of my hair. Helppp...?

Embrace it.. cut your hair really short and move on.. Men who are losing their hair and try to disguise it by keeping it long only accentuate the fact that they are losing their hair. Most men look fantastic with a closely shorn scalp.. Don't worry about it.

I have thin hair over my top scalp and I do not know how to prevent from lossing more of my hair. Helppp...?

I truely am not one of those women who find a shaved head attractive . BUT i can tell u this if you wear a hat STOP that causes hair loss.

There are many things out there to help you gain your hair back . Buy some rogain however its spelt lol . They have that doc who brings hair from the back to the front also . I think you have a few options look them up and see which is best for you .:)

I have thin hair over my top scalp and I do not know how to prevent from lossing more of my hair. Helppp...?

Rachel M is right Lose it with dignity

I have a receeding hairline (ie Bald)lol, My Dad ,who had a receeding hairline too, said you cant have hair and brains.

Another quote I saw once read " Tis not a Bald head but a solar panel for a sex machine" who knows

Being 6'4" not many can see anyway lol

A lack of hair does not change who you are

I'm Bald and Proud of It

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